The community is free if you want it. I think most people create communities because they felt alone and didn’t feel part of one or let in to one. In my case, I was always a bit of a black sheep, misunderstood, different. I never really fit in to any mold and that can be isolating. So instead, I just started to put myself out there and let all the healers, weirdos, artists, candy eaters, monster Con lovers, Trekkies and more find me.

I share encouragement and inspiration. Some people don’t like me because I have candy in my heart and believe life should be sweet, even when we feel low. That is the time to let our light shine. I will never dim my light to help others feel better about their misery, and in my community, I encourage everyone to shine their light in the darkness of the world. Be part of my community. Nothing is expected of you except to open the email when sent and read it to feel better about life and be given the opportunities I can offer to raise your quality of life! If that sounds good! Sign up below!

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